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Monday, November 17, 2008

Moved to 


/1:18 AM

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Hey! I was in the train back from town
when i came across this guy sitting next to me.
He was reading the Newspapers and something 
caught my attention. Its about life.
I forgot what it said, but well it meant a lot.
And i've done some thinking about it.
Life huh, well, i don't really treasure the moments
now cause there's nothing much to treasure.
Its all about work and how i meet different
people everyday. Some bossy, some nice,
some quiet, some unfriendly, some friendly,
some talkative, some who wants attention,
some who asks for opinions, everything.
And i try to ask where do i fit in.
In which i still don't know and i am still
wondering what kinda person i am. 
I am gonna take time to figure out who 
I really am, and who i wanna be. 
Those days that I'll eat alone, will
be the best time to discover myself more.
Work tomorrow, sigh, I clearly don't 
look forward to it, really. 
It's tiring and tiring. No other words
to explain it. I've bought my high
waisted skirt today. Pretty happy!
It's looking pretty fine. Keith
chose it for me! Hahaha. Thank you Keith!
So Faith by Trella is stuck in my head.
Especially the part where it goes,
"Little boy who went on living out his dream 
in peace living behind the friends who didn't care"
Has been in my head, and i thought a lot about
it. I've even gone too overboard that a friend
of mine said I'm thinking too much. Maybe i am 
a little. PAY DAY ON FRIDAY! Wooh.
Something to look forward to. Hahaha.
Okay la, I'm gonna go get some sleep.
I need it, i need to be energized for tomorrow.
Long day ahead of me tomorrow, long day
indeed. Goodnight/Good morning! 
Adios amigos.

Ps, I miss you Tracy, Alexsondra,
Cheryl, Izyan, Tricia, Russell, Basil, 
Alex, Keith, Nes, Ben, Mike, Mark, 
Manfred, Aiman, Feo, Bren, Shirley,
Edel, June, Stacy, Jac, Tash, Ruth. 
Those i've missed out, i'm terribly sorry. 
I really hope to see all of you'll soon.
Love you to the tiniest bit of my heart!

Cause we don't fucking care!

/1:42 AM

1. Have you ever lost your cell phone?
` Yeah, once.
2. Do you eat ice-cream even if it's raining?
` Yeah, depending on my mood.
3. Do you have piercings? Tattoos?
` Piercing yeah, tattoos nah.
4. Do good things come to those who wait?
` Sometimes.
5. If you have a time machine, would you travel to the future or past?
`Both? Mostly past. Change myself a little.
8. Do you smoke cigarettes?
` .
9. Do you ask your friend's opinion before you buy something?
` Sometimes.
10. Have you ever whistled at a girl/boy before?
`Nah, can't be bothered.
11. Have you ever danced around in your room naked?
- Maybe?
12. Do you have a nickname for your crush?
` HUNNYBUNNY. Lol, inside joke. Tracy should know.
13. Would you ever audition for 'Singapore Idol'?
14. Is there anything you want to say to that person you miss?
` I miss you perhaps? 
15. Have you ever stolen someone else's sweetie?
` I don't know, maybe? But i doubt it.
16. How do you end a phone call with someone you dislike?
` Hanging up. Sometimes, i don't even answer?
17. These past few days...
` Have been a tiring learnt journey. 
18. Have you/would you ever throw a party when your parents aren't home?
` Done that once.
19. Have you ever gotten back with an ex?
` Nah, i haven't.
20. Do you like gossip?
` Hmm, sometimes. :]
21. Are you ticklish?
` Well yes. Keith should know!
22. DO you miss someone at the moment?
` Yeah kinda.
23. Do you live for the moment or for the future?
` For the moment, enjoy it while it last.
24. How often do you lie?
` I don't lie often, only when it's jokingly.
25. Do you plan for your outfits?
` Depending on what occasion. 
26 . Do you keep your sweetie's stuff after you break up?
` Well, i have a box filled with an ex's.
28. Does shopping make you feel better?
` A thousand times better.
30. Can a person be possessed by a devil?
` Not that i know of, but I don't know.
31. Have you ever made the first move?
` I guess? Once, and probably will be the last.

/1:35 AM

Saturday, November 01, 2008


Helloooo guys! It's halloween.
At least, it was Halloween. 
So Happy Halloween! Sadly,
I didn't celebrate it this year,
like i always do. I was at Homeclub.
For Trella, well, their album launch.
And i must say, I am very very very
proud of them. Okay, i'm not say
some 50 year old lady saying it.
But seriously, I am. A lot a lot
of improvement and well, they've
grown. We all have, in our little ways.
But yeah, i still remember the gig at
Melville. Oh god. Memories, where
I used to wear girly pink skirts and
a tank top. Oh god. Something, i shall 
not remember! Anyways, back to Trella,
The whole Homeclub was filled with fans.
And they rocked the stage. Everyone 
was happy, especially them. Obviously!
But well, the turn out was great.
Just hoped the turn out was great for you'll.
What really made me happy was that,
everyone was singing. Okay, not really me.
I barely know the lyrics, and I'm sorry for that!
But well, you know i love you'll. 
Well more to come then Trella, well done
and congratulations! 
Hi, work tomorrow. Tiring, urgh. 
I don't look forward to it. Daaang.
It's okay, i shall think of the fun, 
I will have after! Okay, i shall
get some rest, I'm having fever. :)
 Adios amigos.

Moving by faith and not by sight.

/12:51 AM

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Hey, sorry I haven't posted for some time.
Too busy and tired with work.
Today was my off day. Headed to town
with Kyla, Nadene and Celeste. 
I wanted to find high waisted shorts.
They had a few options, but well,
I'll still look around i guess.
Some stuff that happened during the week.
Liverpool beat Chelsea 1-0.
We're first if I'm not wrong.
Well we clearly deserve to be. 
Grandmother's birthday on Saturday.
Grandfather's birthday on Sunday.
I'm looking forward to Trella's single
launch this Friday. Yay, go Trella! :)
Oh, it's Halloween too, but I don't think
I'm celebrating it this year. Okay then,
adios amigos! 

So what, I got my rock moves
and I don't need you.
And guess what? I'm having
more fun now that we're done.

/12:41 AM

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Hello! Tracy my dear,
I'm posting, happy reading.
Haha, so I am so tired from work! 
Now, my whole life is all about work.
I have no time for my friends,
and even if i do, it's only a day or 2.
Halloween's coming and guess what?
I have work too. I feel so tired talking
about it thinking tomorrow, is another
long day, I'll end at around 11 tomorrow. :(

I've done a lot of thinking, like what
a friend of mine told me i'll most likely
do when I'm alone. I thought about 
the kind of guy i'll like to end up marrying.
Yes guys, don't be too shocked,
cause i already planned my wedding. 
Okay, so back to the kind of guy,
and i'll like to share.
I'll like a guy who I can trust.
A guy that makes me feel whole.
A guy that never fails to make me
smile to myself when I'm alone,
making me look like a complete idiot.
A guy that knows what to say
and do when I'm not in my best moods.
A guy who i can rely on. A guy
 i know will never flirt. A guy
who loves me for me. A guy that
treats me like a queen. There's 
more but i can't seem to remember.
Some of you negative thinkers 
might have thought while reading.
"Oh god, impossible to find someone
like that, she can keep dreaming"
But believe it or not, I've met him.
And i've never felt happier. I feel
like I need him every second of my
life. He keeps pushing me to stay
at work and tolerate the tiredness.
He's just someone i thought i could
only meet in my dreams, but it turns out,
he's real and I love him.
He'll never know i guess. Oh well,
Can't wait til i see him, which is this week.
Yay, adios amigos. 

/12:18 AM

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Does it hurt to know I'll never be there
Bet it sucks, to see my face everywhere
It was you, who chose to end it like you did
I was the last to know
You knew exactly what you were doing
And don't say, you simply lost your way

Hey! So i was thinking and i really
need to say this. Who'd you think you are.
Thinking you'll get your way whenever you
want to. Well I'm sorry mister, it ain't
happening and it hasn't been! 
It's time you got a life. Why'd you
love and enjoy seeing me at my worst.
Why'd you want me to feel like crap.
What do you want from me?
Seriously, you're annoying me now.
I've never felt so hurt and annoyed
from anyone in a long time.
Just so you know, you should really
stay away from me right now. The
sight of you makes me sick.
You should really consider leaving
me alone for now. 


Okay, back to my normal life,
Work's been pretty hectic.
Taking everyday of my life.
And the whole day to be exact.
I feel so far from my friends.
Working 9 hours everyday,
is seriously not funny.
And not being able to sit and
relax since it's the sale period.
Oh well, money here i come!
I start at 2 tomorrow.
I need my beauty rest.
 Adios amigos!

You make me feel whole, 
and i love you for that.
I hate myself for losing you.

/1:16 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

So I had a job interview yesterday,
and I got the job! :D
So money, here i come! Wooh. :)

/10:16 AM


Niquey Wiquey

Without these people,
my life will be incomplete

♥ Tash, Jackiee, Ruthh,
Alexsondra, Tricia, Teri,
Nes, Mark, Stacy, Tracy,
Shirley, Edel, Leon,
Keith, Ben, Cheryl.

Inject some gossips.


Ahmad Alicia Amanda Benzy Bong Bong LJ Chelsea Chervon Delima Edel Faiz Jackiee Karina Keisha Leon Lisa Moreira Michaela Nes Nitraaa Oreal Ruthh Safith Sarah Foo Shirley GP Stacy Tash Tracy